Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why International Students Deported From Singapore?

Singapore is a very interesting nation. It is known as the powerhouse of South-East Asia as a bulk of big corporate houses are located here. With trees at every 10 meters and traffic at a minimum level, Singapore is one of the cleanest and greenest nations. Also, the problem of pollution is nearly non-existent here.
Why International Students Deported From Singapore
Singapore is an attractive destination for international students as there are many world-class universities here. To enter Singapore as a student, you have to obtain the Singapore student pass from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). Seek Consultants are one of the top Immigration Consultants in Delhi and have helped many aspirants comply with the ICA requirements.
India is a liberal country and the laws here are not as strong as Singapore. Laws in Singapore are very strict and fines are pretty hefty on offences. International students who visit Singapore for studies should know and follow the below-mentioned rules at all times. Let’s get started!
1. SMOKING: Indian law is not particular about where people can smoke. Singapore government has made rules which forces smokers to smoke in designated places only. Smoking out of those places may result in penalty and in some cases students have been deported to their home country. Therefore, international students are advised to watch out for designated smoking spots.
2. DRINKING: If the international student wants to have a drink, they might as well go to a bar rather than drinking in their campus, dorm room, or hostel. Universities in Singapore don’t allow students to keep alcoholic beverages. Regular checks are done and if the student is found drinking, all the drinks will be confiscated and the student will be heavily fined.
3. INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR: Inappropriate behavior in public, as well as on-campus, is a serious offence. Fighting with people under the influence of alcohol is basically calling for police intervention. Accused persons may be taken into custody for 48 hours. If the offence is too serious, they may even be deported. Vandalism, spitting, littering etc. fall under inappropriate behavior and are considered as serious offences.
4. EMPLOYMENT: There are plenty of high paying jobs in Singapore which may be tempting but international students are not allowed to work in Singapore until they obtain the work pass from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).
5. DRUGS: Some substances are banned in Singapore. Trafficking of such drugs is considered to be a serious offence and may call for a death penalty. Also, if students take some prescribed medication, they are required to carry the doctor’s prescription with it.
6. ATTENDANCE: Student pass is a must for commencing studies in Singaporean universities. 90% attendance is a must for every month. After the completion of the course, students must surrender their student pass for cancellation.
Students seeking Immigration Services in Delhi may consult Seek Consultants. They help students to complete all ICA and student pass formalities and also help students to get familiar with the rules and regulations for students in Singapore.
Also, Read this: https://bit.ly/2lQYSU0

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